Be a Better Friend Affirmations
Become a better friend to people you care about and make the most of your relationship, with the help of this unique affirmations mp3.

- Do you feel distant from your friends lately?
- Do your friends reproach you that you’re not there for them as much as you should be and you know they’re right, but just can’t seem to do anything about it?
- Do you want to bring friendship back into your focus and to improve the relationships you really think are valuable in your life?
Friendships are under strain everywhere, you’re not the only case: due to social and economic changes we tend to live further apart and our lives are full of other activities that make us forget about spending time with friends or we are simply unable to make that time. Even when we can make it, we have so many other things on our mind that our best friends can – rightfully – get the feeling that they’re not as important to us as they used to be.
If you have come to the point where you understand that you have to do something to keep your friends and to make them understand that you’re still there for them, that they’re as important to you as they always were, then use this album to get more in touch with that feeling and to stay motivated to work on your relationship.
Affirmations are a natural way to stimulate a certain segment of your thinking patterns that you want to improve. They give the best results when the desire to change already exists and that’s exactly the case with your intention to work on your friendship, so you can expect to see the results very quickly.
What to Expect
This album aims to stimulate the parts of your mind that will make you:
- Pay more attention to your friends and become a better listener when you’re with them. You will notice that you’re able to forget all worries and to put aside everything that could distract you from listening to your friends. Your focus will be completely on them and on your relationship and it will start feeling like the old times all over again.
- Your self-awareness will increase and you will become much more honest with yourself and with your friends. You will understand that there’s no point in lying to yourself and to them, in making excuses or pretending that there are no issues between you. Instead, you will gain awareness and courage to call things by their real name and to try and fix the issues that stand between you. Your friendship will become much deeper and more honest and you will feel really good about the opportunity to make it right.
- You will become motivated to make more room for your friends in your life and you will be willing to take physical action, to reorganize your life as much as you can to spend more time with them.
Download our free app for iPhone/iPad today and listen immediately after your purchase- just search the App Store for Trinity Affirmations.
It’s never too late to rebuild a friendship, but don’t wait any longer, you’ve lost too many precious moments with your friends – download this album now and make them a real priority in your life!
Present Tense
- I am a great friend
- I listen to my friends
- I pay attention to their needs
- I am reliable
- I connect well with others
- I am myself when I’m with my friends
- I am honest
- I own up to my faults
- I am thoughtful
- I am always open to making new friends
Future Tense
- I will be respectful
- I will give good advice
- I will be there when my friends need me
- I will be forgiving
- I will stop being selfish
- I am becoming a steady friend
- I will be happy at my friend’s success
- I will stop being jealous
- I will look out for the both of us
- I will guard our friendship carefully
Natural Tense
- I naturally have my friends’ backs
- I make an effort to be with my friends
- I simply enjoy our time together
- I am naturally patient and loyal
- I just know what to say and when to say it
- Others see me as a reliable friend
- I am simply myself when I’m with friends
- I am naturally understanding
- I am simply supportive of my friends
- I love spending time with my friends